OSHA Compliance Saves Money

OSHA Compliance Saves Money

Good for Business and Your Employees

Compliance. It’s not always a word we like to hear. All too often, getting the job done on time is paramount and safety is an afterthought. In the best circumstance, we may not think about safety until an inspector passes down a hefty fine. Fall protection is not just an OSHA mandated requirement–your worker’s lives depend on it.

OSHA Compliance Doesn't Have To Be Expensive!

According to OSHA: "Re-roofing exposes workers to the hazards of demolition work at heights. With the proper fall protection, the risk of serious falls can be substantially reduced. This fact sheet highlights some of the hazards workers encounter during re-roofing and lists some practical methods employers can use to protect workers who replace roofs. The fall protection methods in this fact sheet may not be suitable in all situations. Employers are responsible for ensuring compliance with applicable OSHA requirements."

Leading Edge Safety has many options for your construction safety needs and best of all, they are reusable!

Lets Work Together to Find the Best Solution.

We want to keep your operating cost low while getting the job done right. Let us help you find the right solution for your next project. Contact a dealer today–our pros have the knowledge and experience to help you get the job done right the first time. With distributors across North America, we're confident we can find the perfect railing to fit your needs.
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